Monday 19 May 2014

Bubble tea...

Catching up with old friends... 
I had the best time this weekend... I meet up with some old friends from my Master. It was great spending time with them again! I don't miss being a student but I do miss drinking coffee with all my old study buddies! Friday I visited Jei in Den Haag, we went for food, a walk and a bubble tea (Jei's favorite). Saturday my friend Tom joined me here in Rotterdam, the weather was fantastic so biked for hours and we chilled in the park... 

spandevis af boble te...
Jeg havde den bedste weekend!!!... Jeg mødes med nogle gamle venner fra mit studie. Jeg savner ikke at være studerende, men jeg savner at drikke kaffe med mine gamle 'study buddies' (de fleste er desvaerre flyttet fra Holland). Fredag ​​besøgte jeg Jei i Den Haag, hvor vi drak spandevis af boble te (det er te med maelk og vingummi kugler, det er Jei's favorit te). Lørdag smuttede Tom forbi Rotterdam (han bor ellers i A'dam), vejret var fantastisk så vi cyklede rundt i byen i timevis og grillede i parken ...

Jei in Den Haag

Den Haag


Wednesday 14 May 2014


                                      Sketch by C. Just from christine on Vimeo.

                                                  music is by Oh Land with - Wolf & I

Thursday 8 May 2014

Food, Love & Mountains...

Yaya & Papou
Every summer we go to Greece for a month or two to meet up with Tasos’ family and friends. And for every year that goes by I feel more and more at home. I love his family, they have really welcomed me in their family and I have become one of them (although I don’t speak Greek yet and I am still pale and always want to sit in the shadow). Normally we spend the most of our time in Nafpaktos (a small city next to the sea) were Tasos parents live though we also visit Athens for a few weeks. But this summer we packed our car and drove two hours up on the mountain. We drove through many small villages with animals grazing next to the road but we ended up at the highest and biggest village in the area Ano-Hora.

Tasos grandparents (Yaya & Papous) are both born in the village. They lived in Ano-Hora until the 1960’s then they immigrated to United States, they moved to New York. Yaya got a job as a seamstress and Papous worked in various restaurants but ended up being a owner of his own restaurant (together with his brothers). Their kids stayed back in the village until they had to attend high school. Almost everyone in Yaya and Papous'  generation (from the little village) immigrated, some stayed in the US and got Greek- American kids and built a new life, others returned when they had to retire. But every summer you can be sure American or not they all meet in the mountains and talk half Greek half American.  

Yaya & Papou 
Hver sommer tager vi en maaned eller to til Grækenland, for at besoge Tasos familie og venner. Og jeg føler mig mere og mere at hjemme for hvert aar det gaar. Hans familie har taget virkelig godt imod mig og jeg er efterhaanden blevet "en af ​​dem" (selvom jeg hverken taler græsk og altid vil sidde i skyggen i frygt for at blive krabbe-rod). 

Vi tilbringer som regel det meste af vores sommer i Nafpaktos (en lille by ud til havet) hvor Tasos forældre bor. Men sidste sommer pakkede vi vores bil, kørte to timer op i bjergerne. Vi passerede skove, vandfald og små landsbyer men vi endte vores tur i Ano-Hora (den storste og hojeste landsby i bjerg omraadet). Tasos bedsteforældre (Yaya & Papas) er begge født i landsbyen. De boede i Ano-Hora indtil 1960 hvor de udvandrede til New York. Yaya fik et job som syerske mens Papous arbejdede i forskellige restauranter og paa bedste "American Dream" maner, startede han som opvasker og endte som medejer af en restaurant i NY-Astoria.

Deres born blev tilbage i landsbyen, men (naesten) alle i Yaya og Papous generation (fra den lille landsby) udvandrede, nogle bosatte sig i USA og fik græsk-amerikanske børn, mens andre vendte tilbage som pensionister. 

Yaya cultivate the land and make pies with her own vegetables. 
Yaya dyrker jorden og bager tærter med hjemmedyrket grøntsager.

Yaya's kitchen.Yayas kokken. 

These three little guys showed us around in the area by walking us!... They went in front, decided the route and
 made sure we didn't get lost. 

Disse tre hunde viste os rundt i området ... De gik i front, bestemte ruten og sørgede for at vi ikke farede vild. 

Kostoula is one of the oldest resident of Anahora (100 years). When I asked her for a pic she said "wait, I first have to make me 
look pretty"... Well I guess some things never change for us women!   

Kostoula er en af de aeldste beboer i Anahora (100 aar). 

During winter only three people live in village. 
Kun tre personer bor i landsbyen aaret rundt.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Messy art but great ideas...

Art studio
After I finished my Master I went through a long period where I did not feel like being creative... It was like ALL my passion was gone. It made me sick if anybody would tell me about a new exhibition, an artist or a project I should check out. It was quite worrying for me because I have been drawing every day since I was old enough to pick up a pen. But after half a year of travelling it finally started to tingling in my fingers (like it does when I just HAVE TO CREATE something) and one night I made a two meters sketch and I fall asleep in the morning thinking “I am back!”. Because the truth was that I felt lost without my passion to create.
And although my boyfriend is sick of my mess, I think he is happy that our apartment looks like an art studio again with all my drawings, models and creative projects.

Kreative tanker
Jeg blev faerdig med min Master sidste sommer og siden da, har jeg i en lang periode ikke kunne finde min kreativitet ... Min lyst og lidenskab forsvandt! Og det var ganske bekymrende for mig, da jeg har tegnet hver dag siden jeg var ganske lille... Og ikke mindst, ALTID har haft lyst til at tegne! Men efter 6 maaneder pause, begyndte mine fingre heldigvis at snurre igen og en nat tegnede jeg en 2 meter skitse - Jeg kunne ikke stoppe med at skitse, jeg sad ved mit skrivebord flere dage i traek!  

Sunday 4 May 2014

The happiness of adventure...

Travel memories
There is something magical about planning an adventure, picking up a ‘travel book’ in a book store or packing a suitcase. I don’t think I’ll ever be bored of travelling to new places or daydream about it...  I just LOVE it! Some of my best childhood memories are from trips with my family - either it was in Sweden, somewhere in Denmark, France, Prague or Italy. 
I remember being on the road with my grandparents in their yellow bus. I have no clue where and for how long we were travelling, but I remember being all excited. I was sitting between them and the car was so big and so was my grandmother and she would yell of my granddad “YOU better drive properly when we have THAT little girl with us” and she would point at me. We would eat in the back of the bus and I would run around outside with my toy camera taking imaginary photos.  In my teen years my family would drive until the German border. Then we would stop for a rock-paper-scissors game to find our travel destination (Italy always won). Do you have these kinds of travel memories? That is the beauty of being on an adventure – the memories! 

My first week as an Au pair... Party days!
Min forste uge som au pair... Party party!! 

Afternoon tea - I met these three wonderful ladies on the border of Tibet. 
Eftermiddagste med tre vidunderlige damer (grænsen til Tibet).

Sahar and me in Singapore. 
Sahar og jeg i Singapore.

 Hmmm... My friend Sahar took this photo of me after we fall asleep on a beach in Malaysia and woke up 3 hours 
later, all pink and unhappy!

Hmmm... Min veninde Sahar tog dette billed af mig i Malaysia. Vi var saa traette efter at have rejst hele

 natten, at vi faldte i sovn paa stranden og vaagnede op tre timer senere helt rode og ulykkelige. 


Antwerp. Antwerpen.